1. Hooray I'm actually getting this done on Tuesday!
2. Tuesday's are my busy days...ECFE in the morning and work in the afternoon...whew. I'm tired.
3. We got our new (to us) fridge over the weekend and I LOVE it! It's a sleek, black, side-by-side:)
4. The boys love the new fridge too and are obsessed with making new artwork to decorate it with...too cute.
5. I took a video of Judah doing his puzzles with his mad skills and we're trying to speed up the video so people can watch him do his magic. We're running into some issues trying to speed it up but (hopefully) we'll figure it out! Otherwise I'll just post a 5 min video of him:)
6. While grocery shopping the other day I needed toilet paper. I compared prices, picked a good one, bought it and came home.
7. As I was hauling my 'toilet paper' into the house I looked at it and realized I bought a huge thing of PAPER TOWELS. Oy. At least we have a good supply of paper towels now...and I bought some real TP tonight:)
8. Also on that shopping trip I NEEDED baby wipes; like we had 2 wipes left. Wouldn't you guess that I got all the way home and realized I forgot baby wipes? yep. I also bought those tonight. Double Oy.
9. Our van is in need of repair (starter I think? Ask Joe..) so Joe and I have been sharing the car. It's been working out fine but it makes me REALLY appreciate the sliding door on the van! It's so much easier to get kids in and out with a sliding door!
10. Remember when I said I had tons of pictures and needed to get them on the computer? Yeah, still haven't done that. Bad me. It'll happen eventually I promise!