"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU EE-EE" is Ethan's new favorite phrase....yes and his birthday was like 2 weeks ago! He's still really into his birthday - he loves to sing about it, talk about it, pretend about it, and on and on.... He had 3 wonderful birthday celebrations for his turning 2 - one with my side, one with Joe's side and one with just us (mommy, daddy and Judah) LOTS OF FUN!
Here's some snipits of Ethan's birthday festivities:

Ethan had a combined birthday party with his cousin Kayla (2 days older than him) that was Elmo themed...let's just say there were A LOT of Elmo-ness going on there! We had 4 tickle me Elmo's (all going at once of course) and lots of Elmo cupcakes for desserts! Tell me what kind of 2 year old doesn't like a chocolate cake? MINE. Ah well, he sure does love his fruit!

Then on Ethan's actual DAY of birth (June 9th) we spent the day as a family.

We packed a picnic lunch of Ethan's favorite foods and went to the park for some playtime. Ethan loves to play outside and would probably stay out there for hours if we let him! For his picnic lunch we had wraps sandwiches (Ethan's fave) and pretzels (another fave) and STRAWBERRIES (another major fave!) Yummo. We gave Ethan his gift from us at the park and then he proceeded to play with them for a loonngg time there.

We gave him new sand toys - bucket, shovel, molder-things, rake, etc... and he LOVES them! It doesn't matter if it's the beach or a sandbox or the park - anywhere that there is sand Ethan is one happy camper. He now likes to fill the bucket up with water in our driveway and mix it up with a shovel making "noodles" - love the creativity!

Ethan had another birthday party on Joe's side -because Ethan didn't want to eat any of his Chocolate Elmo cake I thought I was so smart for making a cake with Strawberries on it and in it...well at least he ate the strawberries off! Silly boy. I was pretty impressed by my cake; yummy double decker with strawberry filling and delicious frosting! I'm drooling remembering it....
The theme for Ethan's party was 'cars' - he came home with tons of matchbox cars (which he LOVES) and plays with constantly! I made him a mini cake with strawberries and a little red car on top!

Ethan came home from all his parties with lots of wonderful gifts! It's always fun to get new toys to play with:)

Oh my little baby is growing up so fast! I feel like I was just prego with him and now he's 2! Next thing you know he'll be driving - awhh:) I've loved every minute with my little man and can't wait to see what the next 2 years will bring! Happy Birthday to you Ethan!