Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Judah's 3!

My dear Judah is THREE years old! Yesterday was his birthday - I can still clearly remember the day he was born and the time that little man was born 4 weeks early and spent 9 days in NICU. It's hard to believe that was THREE years ago!

Since his birthday is right after Christmas (the 27th sneaks up fast) we tend to keep his actual birthday low-key and spread out his celebrations after Christmas. He has a birthday party this Sunday and another one next Saturday. Lucky kid - he gets four weekends with presents (two for Christmas and two for his birthday!)

On Monday (day after Christmas, day before his birthday) Joe and I went shopping for his present. A few weeks ago Ethan made a pop-up book for Judah and had it wrapped and hidden under the table - he was so excited to give it to him!

Here's Ethan proudly showing Judah his gift - I wished I would've thought to record their interactions; it was ADORABLE.
Ethan: Judah, I made you a pop-up book!
Judah: Thank you Ethan!
Ethan: You're welcome.
Joe and I wrapped our gift in a Captain America bag - Judah loves the bag almost as much as the gift. Simple things right?
We got him a Green Lantern Jet and Action Figure - he LOVES it.
We also found a 'Golden Books' book about Super-Heros! Score! I think I've read it to him about 100 times so far.
After a relatively normal day we went out as a family to IHOP for a special birthday dinner! Yum! Judah was so excited and acted all big-boy while ordering his food. I love that IHOP puts their kids meal options in picture form on their kids coloring page - GENIUS. Why don't other places do that? It was so simple to have the kids look at the pictures and choose from that. The boys even had ice cream sundaes as a special birthday dessert:)

We had a wonderful birthday-day as a family!

Check out his 2nd birthday here
Check out his 1st birthday here

*I was reading through my older posts and in one of them I have 8 days in NICU and the other 9 days...when do you start counting...the day he was born or the next day? He was born Saturday and discharged the following Sunday (you count Saturday it's 9 days, don't count Saturday it's 8)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Snowless Christmas?

It appears that we may have a snowless Christmas this year (granted I can't recall the last time I watched the weather forecast...but there's no snow on the ground and Christmas is this weekend!)

Remember our HUGE snowstorm last year? I do. And for some reason this year I'm not loving the idea of that MUCH snow...maybe it's because I now have THREE kiddos to haul through it if I venture out. It's fun to play in but not so fun to drive in.

We had some snow a while ago (which obviously melted) and the boys had a ball in it. So, I guess for their sake maybe (just maybe) I'll wish for snow this winter....too bad it's inevitable! Here's some super cute pics of them enjoying the little bit of whiteness we've received this year...

Aren't those mini-snowmen adorable? Yep. I guess I'll embrace the silver lining of winter snow and think of all the cute snowmen and snow angels my kids will make. Way to go me!

We're getting ready for a fun-family-filled Christmas weekend; there will be lots of delicious food and fabulous company! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend:)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Judah loves to love on his baby brother! It's adorable...Judah takes his job of 'big brother' very seriously! He loves to make Isaac smile, give him his paci, tell him "it's ok buddy boy" and inform me when Isaac needs to eat!
Way to go Judah!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I have two monkey's on my hands....very creative little monkey's! The other night Ethan and Judah flipped over our bowl chair and re-purposed it as an 'exercise bar' -- they would hang on it and proclaim, "look at me! I'm exercising!" Little monkey loves to mimic big monkey...Judah could actually hold his weight up! Strong guy:)
Tag Team! My little crazies:) I love 'em to pieces!
Sadly, their 'exercise' time ended as a result of them arguing about who's turn it was....classic right? Hopefully next time they can play nice and take turns! What a fun skill to learn....:)

I'm always impressed with the creative things my big boys come up with!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Just Like Mama

My big boys love to imitate me; it's absolutely adorable! You can totally tell what they watch all day (ME) - Copying is a form of flattering right? something like that...

I made (ie: cut and tied long pieces of fabric together) WRAPS for my big boys. They see me 'wear' Isaac in my Moby and like to 'wear' their babies (Judah's Panda and Ethan's Bear)
Ethan will wear his Bear for hours at a time! It's too stinkin' cute.
I haven't gotten a picture of this yet - but Judah likes to nurse his Panda -- I've (tried to) explain that only mama's can nurse babies...I think he gets it:)

On another Judah note: we've been potty training on-and-off for a loooong time with him and it just wasn't sticking...well folks - IT STUCK! Hooray! We're on day FOUR of underwear all day and he's even doing his 'business' in the toilet (BM!) Hip Hip Hooray! I do a little happy dance every time I realize what is happening:) It's been a long road with him. Major humbling experience for me as a mom....Ethan literally trained HIMSELF at 2.5 years old. seriously. So, I figured all my kids would be potty pros at a young age - insert sweet mr. Judah:) He still got it before 3 though so that's good...his birthday is in 3 weeks! He is SOO proud of himself - he tells everyone that he's in underwear and that he goes 'bubbles' in the toilet - only a toddler could get away with that kind of talk right?

Well, my little babe Isaac is calling my name (waaaaa-waaaa)

Blog to ya later.....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

my babies...

...look so alike! I love it:) Joe and I were browsing through old baby pics of our kids and commented how much Isaac looks like baby Judah!

Can you tell which is which? Probably not since I haven't posted many pictures of Isaac yet:) Top one is Judah and bottom is Isaac - you can definitely tell they're brothers! Now I need to find a baby pic of Ethan with his head facing that way....

My baby is doing wonderful; he had his 2 month check (already?!) and is a superstar baby!

Height - 1' 9.25" (3.94%)
Weight - 9 lb 11 oz (10.21%) WOW! good eater I guess:)
Head Circumference - 38 cm (12.22%)

All our kids have big heads so that was no surprise...but 10th% for weight? Way to go Isaac! We make tiny kids *case and point: Judah's 18 month stats.... 0.78%? Judah's been moving up the percentile ladder though - he'll have his THREE year check (seriously?) soon and we'll what his new stats are!

Life is good. Busy. Tiring. Rewarding. Exhausting and energizing all at once. Totally worth it!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Recently...there has been lots of baby kissing....
....lots of brotherly love...
...and lots of family cuddles!
Off to feed my sweet baby:)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

This and That

Wow I'm bad at keeping up on this thing! I think of wonderful ideas for posts and have ALL these adorable pictures to put up...but they're not on here. Instead of that here's a sampling of this-n-that of happenings around here!

*Isaac will be 8 (EIGHT!!?) weeks this Saturday! Wow. I know with each kid times seems to go faster but mr. Isaac is in hyper-speed! I'm making sure to take time to sit and stare at my baby - he sure is a cutie! Those dishes can wait:)

*Isaac is now smiling! We haven't gotten a picture of it yet - soon! I love the 'happy eyes' that accompany his smiles:)

*I am now a certified group fitness instructor! I went to a 3 day (came home at night) training last weekend and passed both my written exam and audition. I pumped for 3 weeks prior to make sure I had enough breast milk for Isaac and I had MORE than enough! Whew. I was worried about that. I brought my pump with as to keep my milk supply up (and keep me more comfortable!) - success! Isaac latched right on when I came home in the evening and we're back to our normal routine as if nothing changed:) score!

*It's starting to get cold. brrrrrr. I'm not a fan of winter or being cold; we went to Target today and I put the boys in their winter coats - I'm sooo not ready for this! I guess it makes me appreciate our wonderful Spring, Summer and Fall we get - silver lining? I'll call it that:)

*Isaac got weighed last week and he's already 8 lbs 12 oz! WOW! This kid likes to eat:) I don't know how I'm going to handle carrying the bucket seat this winter - my right arm is going to be stinkin' strong!

*Isaac still likes to party with me at night....aka: he doesn't like to sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time at night. It'll come with time....right? right. My other boys didn't sleep chunks at night for a few months (Ethan is was TEN months before he slept through the night....come on Isaac - show up your brother!) Thankfully when Isaac wakes at night it's to nurse then he's right back to sleep. Not too bad.

*The big boys are doing AWESOME adjusting the Isaac. It's almost like he's always been here:) We're getting our groove down for daily stuff (getting ready in the morning, going into stores, making dinner, etc) and the big boys are doing wonderfully:) They love it when Isaac is awake and makes little noises (not crying of course!)

*I have a TON of ADORABLE pictures I need to post. I've been using Joe's Mac and (sadly) don't know how to load my pictures on I need Joe's help. Hopefully soon I'll get them on here and show you all how stinking cute my kiddos are!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Long and Short

I can't believe it's been over a week (ha..almost 2) since I posted last - hence my title "long and short"...

My days seem so long...they start early with Isaac (or rather go throughout the night!) and is a marathon with my active big boys and ends late with mr. Isaac....they seem so long! Then I stop and realize - it's FRIDAY ALREADY? Wasn't it JUST Friday? Yep. The weeks are flying by.

Long days. Short weeks. Lack of blog posts and updates. Oops.

So here's some updates in no particular order:

*Isaac is CUTE as ever. We're anxiously awaiting the first awake smile (we've seen plenty of sleepy gas smiles:)

*Isaac loves to nurse! We're still working on the love of sleeping:) He's had a handful of good nights (aka: 4 hr stretch of sleeping) but as soon as I brag about it he reverts to the good ole wake-every-two-hour deal. ick.

*Judah's working on potty training - we tried while I was pregnant but as my belly got bigger my motivation to 'train' him got smaller. Ah well. He's doing really well this time around! He's awesome at staying dry but hasn't mastered the BM part of all. GROSS. It'll happen though!

*Judah's vocab is increasing everyday - I LOVE hearing all the things that float through a 2.5yo mind. I love listen in on Ethan and Judah chatting in their room...precious!

*Ethan is growing up too fast. His thought processes on things are super impressive! He loves to ask questions and learn new things. Our 'Preschool' is going well - we're working on letters, phonics, patterns, and whatever else Ethan shows interest in!

*Ethan informed us that when he grows up he's going to be an 'animal rescuer' but he won't rescue scary animals. He also informed us that this is going to happen when he's FIVE. his brain FIVE = grown up. I guess that makes me ancient:)

I'm loving this crazy time with a preschooler, toddler and newborn! There are times when the days feel so LONG but then I remind myself how FAST the weeks/months are going and don't want to wish this time I'm gonna embrace these long days and (try to) ENJOY them:)

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Time is flying - my baby is now 4 weeks old! Oy. It's 6:20pm as I type this and at 6:24pm precious Isaac was born! It feels like yesterday and it also feels like forever ago...crazy how that works!

My baby is four weeks old and I am very sick. Sick with a nasty head cold. boo. Clogged sinuses, scratchy throat, chills, ickiness. I had big plans to write up a sentimental 4 week post with recent pics of the babe but....aint gonna happen. I will show you some cute pics from a week ago!My three beautiful boys hanging out together! The big boys are loving little Isaac - they love to watch his random movements and exclaim "Isaac touched my nose!" - "Isaac touched my hand!" oh the little joys in life:) We went to an apple orchard last week for my moms birthday - it was a BEAUTIFUL day out! Like 80's in October with no humidity...pinch me. Of course we had to try for a decent family picture - cuz that's what you do when you're outside and it's nice out:)

Here's hoping that my body kicks this cold soon and that no one else catches it! Joe's had (what seems to be the same sickness) a few weeks ago so hopefully he's safe...and Isaac should be safe from my breastmilk...right? So, to try and keep two toddlers away from my germs and keep them washing their hands - I'll let you know how that goes:)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stats and Brotherly Love

Isaac had his 'one-week' appointment today - even though he's almost 2 weeks old:) He passed with flying colors!

His birth weight was 6lbs 3 oz and measured 18 inchesToday he weighed in at 6lb 7 oz! He was discharged at 5lb 12oz - our doc was very pleased with his weight gain over the past 1.5 weeks - way to go my little eater:) Today he measured 18.5 inches...either he's grown 0.5 inch or they were able to stretch his little froggy legs out more - gotta love the curled legs!

My little man was wide awake through his whole appointment - what a show off! He's been on a kick of sleeping all day and being awake *most of* the night - ugh. For the past hour or so Isaac's been awake...I'm hoping that means he'll sleep better tonight!

The big boys are really warming up to Isaac - they love to hold him and try to calm him down when he's crying. My biggest boy, Ethan, has the magic touch!The past few times Isaac's been really fussy Ethan will asked to hold him - the first time he asked I figured Ethan would get frustrated if Isaac didn't stop crying (and I wasn't anticipating that Isaac would calm down - he was crying HARD!) -- lo and behold as soon as I put Isaac in Ethan's arms (with my hand holding baby's neck) and Ethan started talking...he STOPPED! He stopped crying and stared at Ethan!

Now every time Isaac is crying Ethan wants to hold him and if I let him 99% of the time Isaac stops crying! Who knows...maybe he remembers Ethan's voice from inside my womb:)

Judah loves to get in on the brother holding action too....too cute! I love that my big boys love my littlest boy:)

And for your viewing pleasure - here's my baby wide awake!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Isaac's Entrance

I finally found myself a few extra minutes to write down dear Isaac's birth story....enjoy!

My first two labors/deliveries were very FAST so I was (with good reason I think) anticipating the same with this one. That said - the last 2+ weeks of my pregnancy I was very 'aware' of my body and every time I would have consistent Braxton Hicks I would worry (excited-ly of course!) that it was it and plan out how I would manage a fast delivery with 2 kids etc...

After 2 false alarms of thinking I was in labor and then it wasn't I began to throw caution to the window and 'ignore' (as much as you can) my Braxton Hicks and try to go about life as usual.

At my 39 week appointment my midwife (who was VERY surprised I hadn't delivered my baby yet!) swept my membranes (again..I had it done at 38 weeks too) and said I was dilated to 2+cm and she would be surprised if I didn't have this baby soon. Trying not to get my hopes up I went about my day - and the next day - and the next day.....

On Friday (my 39 week appointment was Wednesday) I started to spot a little...hooray! Always a good sign (it means you're dilating!) and tried again not to get my hopes up. I went about my normal Friday - went to tutor math (College Calc and biggie in pre-labor right? ;) and came home. Around dinner time I noticed my 'Braxton Hicks' were starting to feel a little different....not harder or more painful just different. I told my mom (who was at my house watching the big boys while I tutored math) and I talked to Joe. We decided we better be safe and sent the kids home with my mom for the night...just in case. Still my Braxton Hicks/contractions weren't hurting or anything but we all knew how fast I went with the other two.

I had Joe pick up Chipotle for dinner - partially because it sounded good and partially because we have quite a few friends that swear Chipotle pushed them over the edge into labor. We enjoyed our delicious dinner and went for a walk. My non-hurting-contractions were still there about 10 minutes apart and we were just waiting for them to start hurting and get closer together. We went to bed and I told Joe I'd wake him if anything changed. I woke up quite a few times in the night to time them (still not hurting - still trying not to get my hopes up that it was the real deal) and they were still 10 minutes apart.

Fast forward to morning - we got up - got dressed - etc and headed out. Did lots of walking trying to get my contractions (that didn't hurt still) to start hurting. I think it's funny how I was trying to inflict pain on myself! We walked and walked and walked. Walked the mall - walked stairs - had an Orange Julius (MMmmm) and sat down to discus what we should do. I had been timing them on my handy iPod Touch and we reviewed the times - every 5 minutes for an hour lasting a minute each. Textbook for when to go in. We all know the 511 rule right? 5 min apart. Lasting 1 min each. For an hour? That's where I was but they still didn't HURT. I noticed them but I could still talk and walk.

We made the decision to go in and get checked *just in case* it was the real deal. I halfway thought we'd be sent home but the timing and consistency made it appear as if I was in labor.

We went to the hospital at noon and I got checked at Triage - I was FULLY EFFACED, dilated to a FOUR and baby was REALLY LOW. Ok. Good thing we went in:) I got admitted and we went to our room. I paced around the room a little and they were starting to come a little closer together - still not painful though. Right when we got admitted they had a nurse switch so we got a new nurse - our old nurse poked fun at me saying (to the new nurse) and you can't tell when I'm having a contraction except that my face gets a little red! I still was talking through them and everything. If it weren't for the monitors they had me hooked too I don't think they would've believed I was in labor! They checked me again and I was a SIX at this point.

They let me walk around with my monitors on (I had like a 3ft sq to wander in being attached) - they were monitoring baby because he wasn't showing the variation in heart rate that they wanted. His heart rate was right in the normal range (hooray!) but he wasn't showing them the increases that they wanted (like if he got excited or something). Also, when I would have a contraction his heart rate monitor would drop low - there was some question as to if the drop was HIS heart rate dropping or if the contraction made baby move so the monitor was picking up MY heart rate. Either way - they wanted to see him have some accelerations and he wasn't so I had to stay monitored. The midwife told me they would need to see 20 minutes of no decelerations and have some accelerations for me to have my desired water birth *just to be safe*. I'm cool with being safe.

So, here I am hooked up to the monitors (thankfully NOT in bed - who wants to be in bed while in labor? not me.) I decide on the birthing ball. That ball is AWESOME! I would sit on it and Joe sat next to me on a stool and my nurse (who was the BEST by the way!) on my other side watching the monitors (and me since I go so fast..) I would get a contraction - put my hand on Joe's leg - he'd put his hand on my back and I'd rock back and forth. All while having a conversation with our awesome nurse:)

I hung out on the ball for a while and chatted with Joe and our nurse. Side note: Our nurse was absolutely AMAZING! She was my age, from Australia (wonderful accent!) and a Christian! I loved how she would say "you're doing wonderful doll!" - "you're amazing dear, keep it up sweetie" all in her adorable Aussie accent!

Midwife comes in to check on us - she is amazed at what the contraction monitor is saying compared to what I am showing emotionally (being able to talk through them all still) - we chat about options and she concludes that because of the baby's heart rate we can't do my water birth. BUMMER. The pool had been filled and staring at me this whole time. So they empty the pool. The plan is after the pool is empty my midwife would come and check me and break my water if I wanted.

I tell my nurse that I'm starting to feel the urge to push with my contractions now - hooray! I'm partially in denial that I would feel that because I felt SO GOOD while I was having contractions. Still not 'hurting' in the sense that my others did and still being able to talk through them.

My midwife comes back in - I move onto the bed (boo! I hate the bed) and she checks me. I'm a NINE and my bags of water is RIGHT THERE. She breaks my water and boom I'm a TEN. First contraction after my water is broken I push with all my might and HELLO there's my baby!
Break down of the last few minutes:
6:19pm - midwife checks me - NINE cm, Breaks my water
6:24pm - contraction - PUSH - Baby's born!

so FIVE minutes on the table - not to shabby:) I pushed for one contraction (1 min) and he's here!

NO tears, NO stitches, no complaints from this mama!

I got to hold him all gooey and new for 45 minutes!! He latched on right away and nursed like a pro. He also pooped and peed on me. Rock star baby.
Whew. I loved it. Every minute of it. Call me crazy:) I felt SO in control. SO empowered. SO strong. I want to do it again...Joe thinks I'm crazy for that:) My labor never got to the point of unbearable pain. I was able to talk through my whole labor. I'm glad we went in when we did because otherwise I don't think I would have 'believed' I was in labor till it was too late.

I am so in love with my new baby. I was sad a didn't get to do a water birth but in the big picture I don't care. I had a wonderful birth experience!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Family of FIVE

Here we are - our beautiful family of five! This was taken the day we came home from the hospital (Monday)- can you tell the boys were excited? yep:)

I've been wanting to sit and write out Isaac's birth story and have is basically composed in my's that whole 'find time to sit and write with 2 toddlers and a newborn' thing that's getting me...Hopefully I can find a window of time soon!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

He's Here!

Isaac Joshua!

He was born Saturday September 17th at 6:24pm
Weighing in at 6 lbs 3 oz and measuring 18 inches long

Such a little stud! I'll write more about labor and delivery later (which was awesome!)...
now is time to soak in my adorable baby:)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Still cooking...

I'm still pregnant. I totally forgot my 38 week post...opps. Pregnancy brain all the way! I'll be 39 weeks this Wednesday - oh boy!

I keep telling myself I can't be pregnant forever - even though it feels like it! I think I'm spoiled because my other two babe's came early -- Judah at 36 weeks and Ethan at 39 weeks; subconsciously I think I've been expecting this baby sometime between there (36-39) and now that I'm basically 39 I feel like I'm 'over-due'....which I know I'm not!

Soooo here's to hoping that this little guy decides to come out soon!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

37 weeks - FULL TERM!

Hip Hip Hooray - I'm officially full term today!

How Far Along: 37 weeks! Officially full term!

Size of baby: Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). (thanks,!)

Milestones: Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Thanks again,!)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 20 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Yep! I've been sporting my maternity yoga capris and yoga shorts a lot and loving my stretchy maternity dresses (hooray for no-waist!)

Gender: BOY:)

Movement: YES.

Sleep: It's getting increasingly harder to fall asleep and I'm up several times a night to pee...but that's ok:) I still get a short nap in the afternoon (until I have to go potty:)

What I miss: Hmmm...shaving my legs is getting harder! So - bending over?

Cravings: Mexican! I've had the pleasure of eating yummy Mexican food both last night and tonight:) MMmm.

Symptoms: My belly, waddle, moans getting up and down, etc...

Best Moment This Week: Being FULL TERM! If I go into labor I can do my waterbirth! I needed to be at least 37 weeks to do one at my hospital and now that I've passed that mark I'm ready to roll:)

What I'm Looking Forward To: Meeting my little baby soon! I cannot wait:) Come on babe...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Full Term Tomorrow

I cannot believe I will be FULL TERM tomorrow! well, I guess I can believe it since this little man have inhabited my body for the last 9+ months:)

The past 37 weeks have both flown by and seem like forever (more so on the 'flown by' side though..)

I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks the past few weeks/months and I'm hoping soon they turn into the real deal! I had a few today that were noticeably harder so.....hopefully soon! Getting the prep work done downtown I say;)

Any guesses on when the babe will come? I'm guessing within a week or 1.5 week - that may be wishful prego-mama talk but I've dropped and I'm 'softened' and Braxton Hicks are taking up my days....only time will tell!!

I would post an almost 37 week pic but I don't have one and honestly I don't want to move off this couch to take one right now -- sorry folks. I'm hoping to get one for tomorrow's actual '37 week' update post. Just take last week's picture and add an inch and some bags under my tired eyes:)

p.s. I got the most adorable swimsuit top for my waterbirth today! Well, as adorable as you can look full-term prego in a sports bra-ish swim top... The one I was originally going to use was an old top of mine and when I tried it on and remembered how my ribcage gets much bigger when prego - good excuse to buy a cute one right? I think so.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Freezer Meals

I've said it a million times...I'm nesting. A lot:) The last two days I've gone to town with making freezer meals!

Earlier in the week I sat down and made a list of oven meals that I could easily make and freeze. With my list in hand I hit up two grocery stores (I couldn't get all my ingredients at my 'discount' grocery store so I had to stop at good ole Target:) and picked up some tin-foil baking dishes to ease cleanup!

Yesterday was the big day: I had half my meat thawing in the fridge over night; I got up and got to work! At 7:30am I made myself at home in the kitchen and cranked out 4 meals by 9:30am - way to go me! By 9:30 the boys were eager for some more attention and I was eager to get out of the kitchen. Ethan did help me with 2 of the 4 meals - and was actually a help!

This morning I was determined to crank out the remainder of my meals I had planned...I didn't start as early (come's Saturday) but I had the added bonus of Joe being home and playing with the kids. I browned up a HUGE 3 lb tube of ground beef then made the rest of my meals!

Here's what my list of freezer meals:
Oven Mac-n-Cheese (big dish)
Ravioli Lasagna (big dish)
Tator Tot Hotdish (2 small dishes)
Turkey Chili (2 meal size baggies)
Sloppy Joe meat mix (1 meal sized bag)
Beef/Bean Enchiladas (2 small dishes)
Chicken Mexican Lasagna (1 small dish)

Count 'em TEN meals! And the 'big dish' meals will definitely give us leftovers:) I'm hoping that these meals in conjunction with meals from my MOMS group and meals from friends/family will keep me out of the kitchen for dinner time for a good chunk of time!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

9 months!

*don't mind the tired eyes, forced tired smile and general "do you really need to take a picture of me?" look - It's after 10pm and I was productive today!*

How Far Along: 36 weeks! 9 months! Crazy to think that my little Judah was born at this time...

Size of baby: Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. (thanks,!)

Milestones: He's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered his body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during his nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of his first bowel movement. eww. (Thanks again,!)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I had my 36 week appointment today and I'm 19 lbs up from when I got pregnant! Not too shabby!

Maternity Clothes: Yep! I've been living in my maternity yoga pants, yoga capris and yoga shorts. What can I say...they're super comfy!!

Gender: BOY:)

Movement: YES.

Sleep: Hard to fall asleep but once I'm out...I'm out...till I have to pee. Which is like 2 times a night:)

What I miss: Sleeping through the night? (see peeing comment) I am FULLY aware that it will be quite some time before I sleep through the night again though:)

Cravings: I was able to conquer my watermelon craving from last week and single handed (almost) eat an entire personal size watermelon-- they call them 'personal' sized for a reason right? :) Today: Not sure what sounds good enough to be called a craving....maybe an ICEE?

Symptoms: Same same...Belly - check. Absence of lap - check. Swollen fingers - check. Pregnancy brain - double check!

Best Moment This Week: Having my appointment and getting the great news (and anticipated) that baby is HEAD DOWN, DROPPED and I'm 'softening'...I'm also dilated to 1+ but that doesn't mean much seeing that when I labor everything goes FAST (ie: dilation from next to nothing to 10 in record time!) Now hopefully baby will stay in and cook another week...I really want to do a water-birth and they won't let me unless I'm at least 37 weeks!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Laying low for the next week; I wanna keep him in there for another week then watch out - I'm back at the gym (I've taken a week off) and will try and encourage little man to make his entrance!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Missed It

I was so excited to do a fun post when I hit my 35/35 mark! I've seen a few friends and fellow bloggers do it and had it tucked away in my brain waiting for it to happen....

...and then I totally missed it. argh.

It should've been last Wednesday - 35 weeks done + 35 days left till my due date! How cute is that? 35/35!

I don't know how cute it is now that I'm 35wk5daysDONE/30daysLEFT. ah well. You win some and you forget some...this prego seems to forget:)

Friday, August 19, 2011

I must be a bird...

..'cuz I'm nesting like mad!

Remember when I said I made my 'to-do' list for pre-baby? and that is was super long? I am proud to say that I have crossed off a good ole chunk of it! Thank you nesting!

Here's what I've been up to:

*went through the boys clothes
*changed the bunk beds to traditional format
*moved the boys toy kitchen and blackboard/whiteboard to the sunroom (make more room in their room!)
*got a new shelf to store/organize the boys toys in their room
*went through ALL (when I say 'all' I literally mean ALL!!) their toys and reorganized them! whew. that was a back breaker.
*got all our preemie and newborn boys clothes out of storage and washed them
*got a free (thanks Heather!) drawer-storage thing for the baby clothes - it's going to fit on top of the boys dresser so it won't take any floor space...score!
*got our infant car seat down from the attic - cleaning it is on my to-do list for tomorrow:)
*bought material at Walmart (who knew Walmart had fabric? I didn't! that rocks.) to make a Moby wrap! I spent $11 on enough fabric to make TWO wraps (so if one's in the wash I have an extra) $11. enough said.
*rearranged (Joe..not me) our bedroom to accommodate the cradle - there's a beautiful little spot right next to my side of the bed:)

Do I sound productive? I sure feel it!

Here's an uber-embarassing photo of the ridiculous amount of toys my kids have....I have ALL of the toys they own in the room here (everything from their room, the living room, the sunroom, etc..) Don't think that they were living with all that in there - I went around and got ALL their toys and pulled them out of bins and organized I said - back breaking! But I did it! Pat on the back for me:)

Here's the new shelf we picked out to help organize all their stuff; the boys LOVE it! It's nice that everything (or almost everything) has a place and the boys know where to put it. I hope this will help maintain a clean room - so far so good! I can say "clean up your toys before we go" and within 5 minutes their floor is clean - all I can say is awesome.

We had to give our free drawer-storage-thing a quick rub-down with soap and water and I enlisted my little helpers...They had a blast washing them out! And I had a blast NOT bending over to wash them myself;)

I still have a few things (ahem...more than a few) on my list but the big ones are getting crossed off! SO exciting! We're picking up the cradle this Sunday and will have that in our room to stare at and dream of our baby - awwh:) Way to go nesting!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

35 weeks post!

How Far Along: 35 weeks, 1 day! (opps I forgot to do this last night...)

Size of baby: Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon) (thanks,!)

Milestones: His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight. (Thanks again,!)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 20/21ish pounds. We'll find out 'officially' next week at my 36 week appointment.

Maternity Clothes: Yep! I've been living in my maternity yoga pants, yoga capris and yoga shorts. What can I say...they're super comfy!!

Gender: BOY:)

Movement: Yes. Double Yes. This kid is a mover!

Sleep: I nap almost everyday again. It takes a while to fall asleep at night...that whole getting comfortable thing:)

What I miss: My lap? I'm almost positive I dropped and hence when I sit I don't have a lap at all! My baby belly is sitting right where my use-to-be lap is. :) It's a funny feeling.

Cravings: Right at this second: watermelon. Do we have any? nope. I've still been guzzling water like no one's business (oh the joys of pregnancy in the summertime!)

Symptoms: Belly - check. Absence of lap - check. Swollen fingers - check. Pregnancy brain - double check!

Best Moment This Week: My birthday was Tuesday and was really fun! I got to eat out both meals (hooray for NO dishes for me!) and got to tutor math (well, that's a weekly deal but it was fun to use my math brain on my birthday). Everyone who saw me on my birthday agreed that it looked like I dropped...stay in there baby!

What I'm Looking Forward To: My 36 week appointment next week! I want to see if all my braxton hicks and my what-feels-like dropping is doing anything! But on the other hand I REALLY want this baby to stay in there till 37 weeks so I can do a water birth...they won't allow water births unless you are 37 or more weeks. 2 weeks. Stay in there 2 weeks. Watch...I'll go till 41 weeks...wouldn't that be funny? not really:)

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Ahhh the wonderful burst of organizational, motivated, let's get-er-done right now that comes with the end of pregnancy! Honestly, I don't remember ever having 'that' with Judah (probably because my dear Ethan was still a BABY! They're a mere 18 months apart..)

But this time around? Watch out. I'm on a roll! The other day while sitting outside watching the kids decorate our driveway (side note: our new fave outdoor activity? Each boy has a box of chalk and mama lounges in a chair and watches the masterpieces unroll!) -- anywho, I was sitting outside and had this urge to write down EVERYTHING that needed to be done *ideally* before baby comes....

...yeah that was a BIG list. I then took my crazy long list and organized it into categories of
*TO GET FROM ATTIC --which is a 'Joe' list...I'm not climbing up there!

I fit it all on one sheet of paper (with 3 columns - hooray for dorky-ness!) and am now planning how to work through it all.

This morning I awoke with some strange, strong, desire to conquer a part of that list! So I did. Booya. I'm calling it nesting.

8am this morning I plopped myself in the boys room with my cup of decaf coffee, my phone, turned on classical radio and got to work!

My goal today: Go through ALL the big boys (Ethan and Judah) clothes and pack away stuff that doesn't fit, pull out the upcoming/current sizes and clean off the top of their dresser (which was piled HIGH with jammies and other random clothes!) FOUR (yes...4!) hours later I emerged victorious! Those kids had a lot of stuff crammed in that dresser/closet!

I think some of my nesting energy must've rubbed off on Joe because he came in and helped with some of the BIG moving (which obviously I can't do!) - we had the boys' bunk beds staggered to we could sit in the bottom and we (aka: JOE) re-arranged them so they are right on-top of each other now (think classic bunks). This way we made room for the crib! wahoo!

Our home is a 2 bedroom so we have to be creative with beds and toys storage; hence the changing of the bunk configuration and we are going to invest in a mini-crib...I found out about mini cribs a few months ago and LOVE LOVE the idea! Babies never take up all of their crib anyways so why do you need a full-sized one? Plus, we make small babies and our older 2 were out of the crib by 1.5 and 2 yr old.

All this jibber-jabber to say that my nesting is in full-swing and hopefully we'll have the 'boys' room set up and ready to roll soon! I didn't take any 'before' pictures today partially because I was lazy and partially because I was embarrassed of how messy their dresser/closet was! I WILL take pictures of the finished product though:) We're planning on throwing some blue paint on the walls as well to make it a 'boys' room (they have lovely white walls now).

Ahhhh nesting. Please stick around...I only crossed a few things off my massive list!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

34 weeks!

How Far Along: 34 weeks! Didn't I just do my 33 week post? Like I always say....time is flying!

Size of baby: Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. (thanks,!)

Milestones: His fat layers — which will help regulate his body temperature once he's born — are filling him out, making him rounder. His skin is also smoother than ever. His central nervous system is maturing and his lungs are continuing to mature as well. (Thanks again,!)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I would guess 20...I don't have a scale but I know I'm getting bigger!

Maternity Clothes: Yep:) Maternity for anything other than lounge/workout clothes. I wore a non-maternity top today (shown in the pic above) and it was fine in the morning but by the evening it was riding up and my belly was making an appearance:) *Hence my hands under my belly hiding the skin!*

Gender: BOY:)

Movement: Yep! He gets REALLY crazy right around the time I'm exhausted and want to go to sleep...gee thanks bud:) It's kinda hard to get comfortable and sleep when you have an active baby in you.

Sleep: Piggy-backing off the 'movement' thing - I love to sleep but my babe likes to play when it's bedtime:) It takes a while to fall asleep and I'm up once (sometimes twice) a night to visit the potty. Thankfully I am still able to take naps almost daily - there are a few days a week were my schedule won't allow it.

What I miss: Lately I've been missing sleeping on my back - it's hard to find a comfortable position on my side but I freak out about laying on my's only temporary though! Soon enough I'll be laying on my back with my cute baby next to me!

Cravings: I've been eating a lot of grapes and clementines lately and guzzling water...currently chocolate chip cookies sound good to me!

Symptoms: big ole belly, swollen fingers, my little waddle, starting to get some sharp pain around my tail-bone, lots of braxton hicks. The end is in sight - no time for complaining:)

Best Moment This Week: I've been able to work out 3-times/week though my whole pregnancy (dance-cardio-class) and last Friday our normal instructor was out of town and her sub didn't show yours truly taught the class! (background: I've been in 'training' to teach for a while now so I know all the choreography) I gave myself a pat on the back for teaching an hour class (obviously showing the lower impact option) at 33.5 weeks! p.s. it was a blast:)

What I'm Looking Forward To: Two things...
#1: my birthday is next Tuesday! I don't have anything extraordinary planned yet but I always enjoy my 'special' day and I wanted to make it past my birthday with this babe and all is looking well for that!
#2: my appointment in 2 weeks (36 weeks) and to see how things are 'progressing', I've been having lots of braxton hicks and hoping they're all doing something!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

33 weeks!

Me with my 3 boys! I figure I should have some pictures of my prego belly with my adorable kids - glad I did:) Aren't their little bellies so cute?? yes they are.

Onto my weekly updates:
*like our new walls? I do!*
How Far Along: 33 weeks! It's flying by!

Size of baby: This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (like a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. (thanks,!)

Milestones: He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. (Thanks again,!)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 19 pounds

Maternity Clothes: Yep:) Maternity for anything other than lounge/workout clothes.

Gender: BOY:)

Movement: All the time! He lets me know he's in there:)

Sleep: Once I find a comfortable position (key word: once) then I'm good to go! It does take me a while to get comfortable...

What I miss: I recently started getting (I think it's called) acid reflux - I remember having it with Judah near the end...not so fun revisiting what I recently ate...ick. It's worse when I'm laying flat - which makes falling asleep a little more difficult too! Enough with this complaining. I am so excited to meet this little man! All the discomfort is SO worth it:)

Cravings: I just ate a HUGE bowl of grapes and then followed it with a HUGE bowl of watermelon. All within 20 minutes. I guess I'm craving fresh fruit!

Symptoms: Typical 3rd trimester symptoms: big belly, tired, swollen fingers, hard to move, etc...

Best Moment This Week: Ethan's been asking when the baby's coming and I respond with "September" - I then explain that September is the month after August that we're in....that makes me so excited! I think the boys (Ethan especially) are getting anxious to meet their baby brother.

What I'm Looking Forward To: I don't want to say the end quite yet..I enjoy being pregnant and never want to take it for granted! I am looking forward to enjoying my mid-30's weeks before the end:) Bring it!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Little Dreamer

Ethan has been talking a lot about his dreams lately. He loves to tell me all about them when he wakes up and the other day I had this ingenious idea to write it down! *don't ask why it took this long for me to think that up....prego brain? Still a valid reason:)*

Here's Ethan's dream from the other day word-for-word as he told me (I had to write SO fast to keep up with him! That boy has his mama's fast talkin' skills!)

Ethan's Dream:

I was a superhero - batman of course. There was three bad guys in it, they turned me into a cow! The police came with snowballs connected to their back and one snowball was coming about to crash but I got up! The girls were in something circle like. It was a half circle. There were two girls in the circle thing and there was an inside line. And there was a pig police and there was a girl police. I went flying up in the air to grab something that was a claw and the police told me they had food in their car...the police car was white. There was dirt on the ground. There was a control on the half circle and a computer on the half circle with just buttons. That's the end of my dream.
Now imagine that being told to you at 7am from a very animated/fast talking 4 year old! whew. I'm tired re-living it:) Sure the dream isn't told in a coherent story-format but I think it's pretty-stinkin' cute - what a great imagination (or dream life). It's a fun (albeit tiring) way to start the day to hear about all his dreams!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

8 months!

How Far Along: 32 weeks - 8 months!

Size of baby: By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. (thanks,!)

Milestones: He now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). His skin is becoming soft and smooth as he plumps up in preparation for birth. (Thanks again,!)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 18 pounds- I had my appointment yesterday so I actually know my weight:)

Maternity Clothes: Yep:) Maternity tops for sure; maternity bottoms when I 'go out' and regular sweats and cotton shorts for lounging (or really anything besides Church and tutoring!)

Gender: BOY:)

Movement: He's my little mover!

Sleep: I get really tired at night but it takes forever to fall asleep! I think it's hard to find a comfortable position in our bed. I'm still napping pretty much everyday on the couch (which somehow I fall asleep right away!)

What I miss: Joe, Jordan, Ty, Christie and Luke did the Warrior Dash this past weekend and I admit I missed not being able to run in it too...but a BABY is SO worth it! I'll be in it next year - watch out!

Cravings: I've been drinking a lot of Gatorade and water - trying to stay hydrated in this wonderful summer heat! Chewy cookies have been a yummy treat too:)

Symptoms: My growing belly:) My fingers are starting to swell just a's getting harder and harder to remove my ring at night. I'm sooo hoping I can wear it all the way to the end though!

Best Moment This Week: I had my 32 week appointment yesterday and I brought the kids with me - side note: they did AWESOME! - it was really neat to see their reactions to hearing the heartbeat:)

What I'm Looking Forward To: We recently picked up some paint to spruce up the house a little before the baby comes - I'm totally looking forward to that! I remember spending LOTS of time in the living room late into the evening with new babies and am excited to spend it in a 'pretty' living room:)

Monday, July 25, 2011

sleeping boy

I love peeking in on my kids when they sleep:) I always go in their room every night before I go to bed and just stare at them and precious.

For the past few months I've been having to wake Judah up from his nap so he doesn't sleep too late (and then have a hard time going to bed at night). Most days I go in...rub his back...start talking to him about the rest of the day...etc... Well, today I went in and just stood and stared at my not-so-baby boy snoozing away and was in awe of how OLD he looked!

His head on his little pillow....
Laying on his side with his legs crossed...WAY TOO CUTE! He was out cold - the room was dark so my camera flash was super BRIGHT - he didn't move an inch. I could stand and watch him sleep for hours:) After about 5 minutes of staring and taking pictures I did wake him up though...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

31 weeks!

**I realized that I'm wearing the same top (from working out) in my last weekly shot! opps. Can you tell I don't change my clothes after I work out on Wednesdays? I don't see why because it's so HOT I keep on sweating!**

How Far Along: 31 week! into the single digits!

Size of baby: This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. (thanks,!)

Milestones: He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. **yes he is!* (Thanks again,!)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 17ish pounds

Maternity Clothes: Yep:) I've been getting by with non-mat workout shorts and just recently bought the next size up...Girls XL:) It's the way to be frugal I tell ya! They fit the same as womens size S!

Gender: BOY:)

Movement: ALL THE TIME. literally. I notice when he's NOT moving more than when he is moving:) I love it!

Sleep: I want it a lot. I have a hard time falling asleep at night and going more than a few hours without a trip to the bathroom...bummer. I'm back to my daily naps (I had like 3-4 weeks of not daily naps...I wish that had lasted longer!)

What I miss: With this HEAT WAVE we're having I guess I miss being able to sit outside for long periods of time and enjoy the heat; now I sit outside for long periods of time and I get braxton hicks! Ah well:) Thank goodness for kiddie pools and AC!

Cravings: Watermelon sounds delicious right now!

Symptoms: My growing belly:) Really tired. Hard to get up and down off the floor:)

Best Moment This Week: Realizing I'm into the single digit countdown! 9 weeks or! Both my boys came early so we'll see.....

What I'm Looking Forward To: I have my 32 week appointment next week - I'm looking forward to seeing how things are going! Appointments are always fun:)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Baby on the brain

My kids are starting to latch onto the idea that I have a REAL baby in me! It is adorable:) I'm sure the fact that I'm a lot rounder and that my roundness will kick them is helping...

I've been trying to remember some of the cute questions/comments that they've been asking me about their baby brother -- OF COURSE there's a TON where I say to myself "that is soooo funny! I need to write that down!" and then I don't. Fail. Here's a few that I do remember...

**I was walking in front of Ethan and he said to me:
Ethan: Mommy! The baby's sure is making your back bigger!
Me: Thanks bud:)

**Judah looking at my belly:
Judah: Mommy has baby in her tummy and my have belly in my tummy!
*gotta love the 2-yr old dialect!

**Ethan watching me take a drink of water on a VERY HOT day:
Ethan: Thanks mommy for giving the baby a drink of water - I think my baby brother was thirsty.

**It was down-pouring rain the other week and everyone had raincoats on except me (I had an umbrella)
Ethan: MOMMY! The baby doesn't have a raincoat! It's going to get all wet!

**Both Ethan and Judah are convinced that we should name the baby IRON MAN. Oh boy.

**Both boys are recently obsessed with pretending their stuffed animals are babies; they put the babies to sleep, feed them, calm them down, tell me to whisper and on and on!

I know there were other funny quotes they've said to me but of course I can't remember them...blame it on pregnancy brain? yep. That's what I'm going with:)

Ethan asked once how babies were made...oy. Come on buddy, you're only 4...give me a few years to come up with an eloquent answer! I kinda-sorta side-stepped it and said we'd talk more about it later - he hasn't brought it up since. whew. Daddy might have to tackle that one:)

All I know is that Ethan and Judah are both PUMPED for their baby brother to come!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

30 weeks!

How Far Along: 30 week! wow!

Size of baby: My baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and he weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). (thanks,!)

Milestones: His eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after he's born, he'll keep his eyes closed for a good part of the day. When he does open them, he'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means he can only make out objects a few inches from his face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.) (Thanks again,!)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 16ish pounds

Maternity Clothes: Yep:)

Gender: BOY:)

Movement: Oh yeah! He is C.R.A.Z.Y!

Sleep: Yes please. I went to bed last night at 9:30 - I was so tired but of course I laid in bed for what seems like forever! But once I did fall into that blissful sleep it was wonderful...until I woke up at 1am to pee:)

What I miss: Piggy-backing off the last question...I sometimes miss sleeping through the night? It'll be another year till that happens!

Cravings: WATER! I ate a bunch of cucumbers today that tasted so good!

Symptoms: My growing belly:)

Best Moment This Week: Ethan proudly told the bank teller that..."the bump on my mommy's tummy has my baby brother in it!" Thanks for explaining what the bumps for bud:) And claiming the baby as "my baby brother!"

What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm just enjoying every day with this little guy - I can't think of anything in particular I'm looking forward...just loving each moment of this pregnancy!

Friday, July 8, 2011

4th of July

I'm a few days late for my 4th post but better late than never....right? right.

As of July 3rd we had no plans for the 4th. The next morning we changed that:) We invited over some family that didn't have plans either (win-win for everyone!) and we had a blast!

Ethan and I made a last minute food run to Cub and picked up some classic 4th food: hotdogs, buns, chips, watermelon, corn, etc...YUM! The joys of shopping on the 4th for the 4th is that everything was on SALE! :)My brother Jordan and my boys helping to get the corn ready - gotta love sweet corn!Joe and his brother Tom getting the grill ready - don't laugh at our little grill! I say: little house = little grill. Once we get a bigger house you better believe we'll be getting a bigger grill! I say all the grilled food tastes the same though regardless...A while after dinner we had popsicles; (I think) this was Judah's first popsicle on a stick and he was so CUTE to watch...
"It's so drippy mom!" Trying to catch the melting part:) Needless to say about half that popsicle landed in the grass! He's getting better at managing them now though - practice makes perfect!MMmmm watermelon! We ate SO much watermelon:)Me and my man:)My sister Myra stopped by a little later to join the fun too!We had the kiddie pool out for the kids (and me...) to play and cool off in; nothing says 4th of July like hot weather and water right?My baby belly:) The babe likes all the sun and food!We had lots of kids toys out (for the kids..) and of course the big boys had to play with them too! Love the enthusiasm Jordan:)

Tom brought over some little fireworks for the kids to enjoy (which turned out perfect since we didn't end up seeing the 'big' show) - the kids LOVED it! Lots of 'ooohhh' 'aaaahhh' "mommy look at that one!!!" He also brought sparklers to play with - the boys had a blast with those too! Ethan called his "fire power" :) Judah wasn't too sure what to do with his...just stare:)

The kids were up WAY past their bedtime and were having so much fun! I asked Ethan if he enjoyed his 4th of July and he gave me this: YYEEAAHHH!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday weekend!