"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised" Proverbs 31:30
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Rolling Babe!
My dear little Judah who is only a mere 4 weeks old decided yesterday that it was time to roll over! Oh my. We were having "tummy time" and Judah had enough of it; so he just rolled over! Deja-vu of my little Ethan - he rolled over when he was very young too! I looked in Ethan's baby book (which I'm still on month 6..opps!) and I didn't record when Ethan started rolling but I did mark at 2 months that he was "still rolling over" so I would conclude it was prior to 8 weeks - the time of 6 weeks seems to ring a bell in my mind for Ethan....
Today I thought I'd try to catch Judah in the act of rolling to document it - and sure enough the little man cooperated! What a nice little guy....
Here we are beginning tummy time....
Just hanging out....
Had enough of this - lifts his head and feet....
rolls to the side.....
SUCCESS! Complete roll! Beautiful:)
Judah seemed pretty proud of himself - he just layed there and looked around for a while at his new choice of surroundings:)
We'll have to wait and see if this early rolling means early crawling...that would be fun! I do enjoy the option of putting Judah in one spot and having him stay there though...it won't last forever!
Today I thought I'd try to catch Judah in the act of rolling to document it - and sure enough the little man cooperated! What a nice little guy....
Here we are beginning tummy time....
A boy with his car
Today Ethan's favorite toy was his blue car - one of those that you back it up on the table and let it go! Ethan found many different ways to play with it today.....
On the bench...
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Online Grocery Help
I've been trying to use more coupons when grocery shopping and go to the store with a list! If I go without a list I walk out with 3 more bags than I intended to...especially if I'm hungry while shopping:)
Super Target and Cub are the 2 places I normally grocery shop and recently found that you can print their coupons from online! You can also view their sale items online - I try then to create my menu plans around them. Super Target's site and Cub's site are a little different: Super Target you can view sales and print coupons; Cub's you can view sales, print coupons AND create your grocery list online! I did this the last time I went shopping and it was so slick - from the Cub site you just click on the items you want on your list and it compiles it for you:)
Hopefully, if I continue to make lists, view sales and print coupons from online, our grocery bill will go DOWN! I was amazed at how much food I got from Cub the other day when I went with my list and coupons...groceries for 10 meals+small snacks=$100.88!!! and to top it all off - I went shopping with a $100 gift card we were given! Praise God!
Super Target and Cub are the 2 places I normally grocery shop and recently found that you can print their coupons from online! You can also view their sale items online - I try then to create my menu plans around them. Super Target's site and Cub's site are a little different: Super Target you can view sales and print coupons; Cub's you can view sales, print coupons AND create your grocery list online! I did this the last time I went shopping and it was so slick - from the Cub site you just click on the items you want on your list and it compiles it for you:)
Hopefully, if I continue to make lists, view sales and print coupons from online, our grocery bill will go DOWN! I was amazed at how much food I got from Cub the other day when I went with my list and coupons...groceries for 10 meals+small snacks=$100.88!!! and to top it all off - I went shopping with a $100 gift card we were given! Praise God!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Noodle Nose
The other night we were having spaghetti for supper and Ethan was thoroughly enjoying his meal - you can picture a 19 month old with red sauce right? In anticipation of the messy meal we decided to skip the bib all together for him and have him dine in just his diaper; after he was done eating he had successfully gotten himself completely full of red sauce and needed a bath. Joe and Judah stayed out in the living room while Ethan and I got the rub ready and cleaned him up. During the bath Ethan was sneezing a lot (like 3-4 sneezes in a matter of a few minutes) and I kept of wiping his nose with a tissue (to clean the snot off of course...) at the end of the bath I took him out; wrapped him in a towel; and then he sneezed again.....and there was a little "boogie" hanging out (strangely perfectly shaped though) not thinking anything of it I went to his little nose with a tissue to wipe it off BUT instead it (the so-thought boogie) kept coming....and coming....and coming.....IT WAS A NOODLE! ewwwie. After I got it out I ran out to Joe in the living room and (disgustingly) showed him what was in our sons nose! We both laughed so hard it hurt! I wish I had a picture of poor Ethan's face when it was coming out - he was royally confused!
I can't wait till Ethan's older and I can share this story with him - so far all the guys I've told think it's "cool" and all the ladies think it's "gross" - we'll see what Ethan's response will be then!
Hello Blog World!
I decided it was about time that I joined the blogging phenomenon!
My blog will mainly be for silly stories compliments of my boys (husband and 2 little ones) - they never cease to provide me with laughs! It seems like everyday I have something new to giggle over from one of them...
Recipes, insights, questions and randomness may also find their way into my posts - only time will tell!
Thanks for reading and please come again;)
My blog will mainly be for silly stories compliments of my boys (husband and 2 little ones) - they never cease to provide me with laughs! It seems like everyday I have something new to giggle over from one of them...
Recipes, insights, questions and randomness may also find their way into my posts - only time will tell!
Thanks for reading and please come again;)
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