My dear little Judah who is only a mere 4 weeks old decided yesterday that it was time to roll over! Oh my. We were having "tummy time" and Judah had enough of it; so he just rolled over! Deja-vu of my little Ethan - he rolled over when he was very young too! I looked in Ethan's baby book (which I'm still on month 6..opps!) and I didn't record when Ethan started rolling but I did mark at 2 months that he was "still rolling over" so I would conclude it was prior to 8 weeks - the time of 6 weeks seems to ring a bell in my mind for Ethan....
Today I thought I'd try to catch Judah in the act of rolling to document it - and sure enough the little man cooperated! What a nice little guy....
Here we are beginning tummy time....
Just hanging out....
Had enough of this - lifts his head and feet....
rolls to the side.....
SUCCESS! Complete roll! Beautiful:)
Judah seemed pretty proud of himself - he just layed there and looked around for a while at his new choice of surroundings:)
We'll have to wait and see if this early rolling means early crawling...that would be fun! I do enjoy the option of putting Judah in one spot and having him stay there won't last forever!
Today I thought I'd try to catch Judah in the act of rolling to document it - and sure enough the little man cooperated! What a nice little guy....
Here we are beginning tummy time....
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