The other night we were having spaghetti for supper and Ethan was thoroughly enjoying his meal - you can picture a 19 month old with red sauce right? In anticipation of the messy meal we decided to skip the bib all together for him and have him dine in just his diaper; after he was done eating he had successfully gotten himself completely full of red sauce and needed a bath. Joe and Judah stayed out in the living room while Ethan and I got the rub ready and cleaned him up. During the bath Ethan was sneezing a lot (like 3-4 sneezes in a matter of a few minutes) and I kept of wiping his nose with a tissue (to clean the snot off of course...) at the end of the bath I took him out; wrapped him in a towel; and then he sneezed again.....and there was a little "boogie" hanging out (strangely perfectly shaped though) not thinking anything of it I went to his little nose with a tissue to wipe it off BUT instead it (the so-thought boogie) kept coming....and coming....and coming.....IT WAS A NOODLE! ewwwie. After I got it out I ran out to Joe in the living room and (disgustingly) showed him what was in our sons nose! We both laughed so hard it hurt! I wish I had a picture of poor Ethan's face when it was coming out - he was royally confused!
I can't wait till Ethan's older and I can share this story with him - so far all the guys I've told think it's "cool" and all the ladies think it's "gross" - we'll see what Ethan's response will be then!
You really should of taken a picture.