Isaac had his 'one-week' appointment today - even though he's almost 2 weeks old:) He passed with flying colors!
His birth weight was
6lbs 3 oz and measured 18 inches
Today he weighed in at
6lb 7 oz! He was discharged at 5lb 12oz - our doc was very pleased with his weight gain over the past 1.5 weeks - way to go my little eater:) Today he measured
18.5 inches...either he's grown 0.5 inch or they were able to stretch his little froggy legs out more - gotta love the curled legs!
My little man was wide awake through his whole appointment - what a show off! He's been on a kick of sleeping all day and being awake *most of* the night - ugh. For the past hour or so Isaac's been awake...I'm hoping that means he'll sleep better tonight!
The big boys are really warming up to Isaac - they love to hold him and try to calm him down when he's crying. My biggest boy, Ethan, has the
magic touch!

The past few times Isaac's been really fussy Ethan will asked to hold him - the first time he asked I figured Ethan would get frustrated if Isaac didn't stop crying (and I wasn't anticipating that Isaac would calm down - he was crying HARD!) -- lo and behold as soon as I put Isaac in Ethan's arms (with my hand holding baby's neck) and Ethan started talking...he STOPPED! He stopped crying and stared at Ethan!
Now every time Isaac is crying Ethan wants to hold him and if I let him 99% of the time Isaac stops crying! Who knows...maybe he remembers Ethan's voice from inside my womb:)
Judah loves to get in on the brother holding action too....too cute!

I love that my big boys love my littlest boy:)
And for your viewing pleasure - here's my baby wide awake!
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