Time is flying - my baby is now 4 weeks old! Oy. It's 6:20pm as I type this and at 6:24pm precious Isaac was born! It feels like yesterday and it also feels like forever ago...crazy how that works!
My baby is four weeks old and I am very sick. Sick with a nasty head cold. boo. Clogged sinuses, scratchy throat, chills, ickiness. I had big plans to write up a sentimental 4 week post with recent pics of the babe but....aint gonna happen. I will show you some cute pics from a week ago!

My three beautiful boys hanging out together! The big boys are loving little Isaac - they love to watch his random movements and exclaim "Isaac touched my nose!" - "Isaac touched my hand!" oh the little joys in life:)

We went to an apple orchard last week for my moms birthday - it was a BEAUTIFUL day out! Like 80's in October with no humidity...pinch me. Of course we had to try for a decent family picture - cuz that's what you do when you're outside and it's nice out:)
Here's hoping that my body kicks this cold soon and that no one else catches it! Joe's had (what seems to be the same sickness) a few weeks ago so hopefully he's safe...and Isaac should be safe from my breastmilk...right? So, to try and keep two toddlers away from my germs and keep them washing their hands - I'll let you know how that goes:)
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