A little note about laundry....
It seems as though with each kid you add to the mix it TRIPLES your laundry needs...why? I haven't quite figured that one out yet - all I know is that I'm doing a load a day and if I take a day "off" then I pay for it later! I just threw a load in the washer and see that I have a load of towels staring at me from the bedroom...hmmm didn't I just do a load yesterday?
I'll chalk it up to having a messy toddler and a spitter-upper baby! It is nice to see the pile of laundry temporarily disappear from the floor- and smell the scent dryer sheets and fresh blankets.
At times like these (when I feel like all I do is start/switch/fold/put away laundry/repeat) I am reminded of how blessed I am to have all that I have! I have a washer and dryer at my instant use; I have laundry detergent and dryer sheets in excess, and that I have clothes and blankets to wash! I am truly blessed and have more than I deserve!