Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Happy (day late) Mother's Day! I had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday - my amazing husband created these "dollars" for me to use (effective date Today --> no expiration!). The one with Ethan's cute face on it is a "Day Dollar" that I can use for time away without either boy to do whatever! And the dollar with Judah's precious face on it is a "Diaper Dollar" that I can pull out when there's the occasional blow-out that I don't want to change! What a great gift:) I can't wait to use either of them (and I have like 15 of each!!!)

I woke up to the normal crying/hungry Judah but after feeding him I got to SLEEP IN! wow! and then at 7:30 (which IS sleeping in now) my 2 big boys (Joe and Ethan) came in carrying a tray of delicious breakfast food...Ethan on one end and Joe on the other (brave move Joe!) -- I was treated to a yummy breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast and Juice:) My big boy Ethan ate with me in our his highchair though - we didn't really want scrambled eggs in bed!

Also, on the tray there was a diaper that said "DO NOT TOUCH ME!" - I momentarily thought Joe had given me a dirty diaper..then realized I was about to have a DIAPER FREE DAY! woot woot! What a nice break for a stay-at-home-mom with 2 kids in diapers!
The bucket with flowers is from my dear Ethan - he did a little art project on Mother's day afternoon with his other cousins...too cute! It melted me heart to see him walk up to me holding the flowers with a big proud grin on his face! awwhh.

So, I had breakfast in bed+no diaper day+cute flowers from Ethan+coupons for kid-free-time+coupons for dirty-diaper-help+so much LOVE from my family! WONDERFUL MOTHER'S DAY! Oh and I even got a little mommy's stash of delectable chocolates to boot!


  1. What a sweet hubby and boys! A diaper free day?!? Awesome!!

  2. Sounds like a great day!!! :)
