Last night my little Judah discovered rolling (back to front) - he loves this new position and the new view it gives him. He'll just lay there on his tummy with his head up and look around - taking everything in! He's been working on his back -> front roll for a while now and last night when he FINALLY did it the look on his face was
PRICELESS! He rolled over - picked up his head - looked right at me and SMILED so big I thought his face would brake! I could see in his happy eyes him saying, "look at me mom! I did it! I did it!". Now, there's no stopping him - you put him on his back (like most people do with babies) and within 30 seconds he flips his cute little self over.

Today he realized he can
connect his rolls and go back -> front then front -> back...uh oh. Watch out - here comes another mover!! Bye bye to the simplicity of putting Judah down and
knowing he will be there when I come back...Hello to keeping the floor clean(er) and rolling around! Whew - time flies. I feel like I just gave birth to this little man yesterday!
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