Size of baby: He's the length of a spaghetti squash! (thanks,!)
Milestones: His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums.(Thanks again,!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 9 pound-ish:)
Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants, some maternity shirts, some shirts a size bigger:)
Gender: BOY!
Movement: All the time:)
Sleep: I'm trying to weed out my daily naps...I can go every other day or so without one! (granted I fall asleep super early on days on don't nap)
What I miss: Not much!
Cravings: I walked by cheesecake the other day in the bakery...ooh that looked good:) I've been guzzling lemonade cold lemonade! yum.
Symptoms: Big Belly. Feeling kicks. Acid Reflux...yeah that one's not so fun!
Best Moment This Week: On Tuesday I had a stranger say to me: "you look like you're about ready to pop! When are you due?" Me: "Umm...September" Her: "oh. um. I mean....." Me: "Don't worry; it's my 3rd baby - my body knows what to do!"
In her defense I was wearing a tight-fitting shirt that clearly showed my belly in all it's belly-goodness!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Enjoying everyday of this pregnancy! I know that once he's out I will miss his little kicks and the beautiful belly bump:) I'm to the stage where it's clear I'm pregnant and I love it!
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