I had called Tessa to see if she wanted to stop by after work to hang/help out while Joe was gone at a conference - she agreed and came over around 10ish in the morning. About 5 minutes after she arrived the fun began! Judah decided it was time to fill his diaper and whilst changing that (ie: his feet in the air+wipe in my hand+messy everywhere) we hear this GUSHING water noise from the kitchen area...hmm...didn't have the dishwasher on...didn't have the laundry going....and it didn't stop...so I handed the messy bottom baby change to Tess and went to investigate (rather RUN into the kitchen) and open the service door to be welcomed with GUSHING water spraying everywhere!! AHHH! I act fast and grab my phone to call my dad (who thankfully can answer at work) and ask him what to do (may I remind you Joe is at a conference all day...thank goodness for dad!) my dad directs me to the corect spicket to turn off the water...whew.
The verdict for the excitement was a plastic bracket thingy (yeah you can tell I'm literate with this) on our water softener that decided it had enough and broke off resulting in water spewing everywhere. The quick fix: dad pushed a lever thing so now our water bi-passes the softener. We'll need a whole new part for our water softener (which isn't high on our financial need list) for it to work again; so for now we're just living with un-softened water...not to bad! I'm glad it wasn't something that NEEDED to be fixed - we can live with hard water:)
During this whole fiasco Ethan came in the kitchen (when Tess was finishing dirty-diaper-duty) and slipped on the water to land very HARD on his back/head; which resulted in screaming! So, we had GUSHING WATER+SCREAMING ETHAN+DIRTY DIAPER JUDAH+CONFUSED MOM - now a week later is a fun story to tell!
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