Size of baby: about the size of a lemon (thanks,!)
Milestones: My baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! (thanks again,
Total Weight Gain/Loss: We don't have a scale at our house so I'll guess on this one...I would guess 4-5 lbs (I was up 2 lbs at my 10 week visit). I have an appointment next week so I guess we'll find out then!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet! I bought a BellaBand this time around and am LOVING it! I can wear *most* of my pre-pregnancy jeans with the band:) I'm in the next size up shirts or empire waist shirts. Disclaimer: As much as I love the BellaBand and LOVE my sweats more; as soon as I am home the jeans are off and the sweats are on.
Gender: Don't know yet...Ultrasound will happen during the 1st week of May!
Movement: Not yet - hopefully soon though!!
Sleep: Give or take depending on the night; some nights I fall right asleep and others I toss and turn. CRAZY dreams though...whoa.
What I miss: Not a whole lot! I love my bump and I love that my clothes are getting small! I definitely DON'T miss the ALL DAY nausea from my first trimester - I may feel sick in the morning before I eat but I can handle that:)
Cravings: hmmm...they vary day to day. Most recent: Cinnamon Ice Cream (which my wonderful hubby surprised me with!), a good cheeseburger, spinach salad.
Symptoms: MY BUMP:) Little nausea in the morning sometimes (which I am sooo fine with since it's not all day anymore!!), super tired and just starting today: round ligament pain (ouch)
Best Moment This Week: Starting the SECOND TRIMESTER!! Woo-hoo!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Hearing the precious heartbeat again next week! I could listen to that thump-thump all day!
You mean HER thumb. (Note: We don't actually know the gender yet.)