Monday, April 12, 2010

My Little Peanut

My little baby is growing up! I brought him to his 15 month well-child check this morning (a few weeks late mind you..) and it dawned on me how old he is getting!

Here's his stats from the appointment:
Height: 28.25 inches (0%) yes - you read that right: zero percentile.
Weight: 18 lbs 14 oz (1%)
Head Circumference: 47.25 cm (51%)
So - Judah is a peanut with a large head. An extremely cute peanut:) (and I'm sure he'll grow into his head!) He's right on track with all his developmental stuff and has such personality! Oh I love this age (and the baby age and the toddler age...)

I just have to share a funny story about Judah that happened a few days ago....

I was getting ready for the day in the bathroom and stuck my head around the wall to check on them....this is what I found!

Yeah..Judah learned the valuable skill of climbing on the bench and then onto the end table! To his credit - I'm sure he just wanted to see what was out the window:)

He then tackled the couch from there. Too Cute. Thankfully he hasn't fallen (yet.) My little monkey.
My baby is getting so old! Stacking pop cans, climbing on tables...what's next? Driving? ahhh! :)

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