Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. We're in full fall swing now! Routines are changing and so is the weather. Cooler weather is moving on in.....

2. Ethan is SO into drawing right now! We have a chalk board and he loves to create!

3. I went to the Farmer's Market today and love getting fresh produce! We walked away with apples, butternut squash, sweet carrots and a big head of garlic...hmmmmm.

4. I am getting over a cold (boo.) and I finally caved and bought a Neti Pot. It took me a few tries to get it to work (plus I think my nose was too stuffy) BUT now it works and it is weird. Good weird I guess:)

5. Joe brought us drums over to the bed the other night so the boys could play.....they (all 3) had a blast! I was making dinner and had wonderful (loud) background music:)
6. I'm (sorta) back into reading! I picked out a Christian fiction book from the Library and surprisingly finished it in 3 days! Once I got going it was hard to put down - now to get more books:)

7. I dyed my roots last night myself - my normal colorist (Joe) was too tired so I did it....it turned out pretty well...I was smart (not) and started with my normal part and then went about the rest of my roots...then started timing. Well, the roots at my normal part got quite a bit of time so they are really dark. EASY FIX: I changed my part today. I win.

8. Ethan made a 'raft' the other night that we could read our books on; of course the book had a raft in it:) Our raft was 2 pillows with a blanket over it.
9. Ethan can write 'MOM' and is getting close to writing his name:) ummm..weren't you just a baby?
10. MY BOYS ARE TOO CUTE. Seriously, it's almost too hard too much to handle.....

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