I do remember walking down the isle - or in my case walking down STAIRS - with a death grip on my dad's arm and my train of my dress getting STUCK on a screw or something! ack! Keeping my cool I stopped - looked back at my train - then thankfully the person sitting in that isle spot unhooked my dress. whew. Other than that the ceremony went off without a hitch (or any that I can remember 5 years later!!)

02-04-06! Call me a nerd. I'll take it:) It's nearly impossible to forget our wedding anniversary...two-four-six! Fits perfectly with my math background eh? I totally planned that.
It's been fun to reflect back on our 5 years of marriage...what a FULL 5 years it has been! It makes me excited for the next 5 years!
Joe and I just got back from a WONDERFUL anniversary date evening...I may devote a whole post to it (hopefully!)
I thank God daily for my awesome husband and wonderful children - I can't imagine my life without them!

Yay! Happy Anniversary! :-)