Saturday, March 6, 2010

Party in Ethan's Tummy!

The past few dinners have created some funny conversations with Ethan; he is now aware that when he eats something it goes 'into his tummy'.

The other night I made tilapia (coconut crusted tilapia to be exact) and was encouraging Ethan the try it; he ended up loving it!

Me: Ethan put some fish in your tummy with your chocolate milk
Ethan: oh! The fish can swim in the chocolate milk!

He proceeded to eat most of his fish 'all gone'; funny huh?

Well, the next night I made shrimp fried rice and pointed out the shrimp to him (which he loved too).

Me: make sure to try some of those baby shrimp!
Ethan: oh! The baby shrimp can go swimming with the fishy's in the chocolate milk in my tummy!

He then ate quite a lot of shrimp.

Then the next night I made chicken/orzo/veggies...the veggies were carrots/peas/corn. If you are familiar with Veggie Tales (like we are in this house) you know that there are 'french peas' (aka peas with French accents) and Laura Carrot (little girl carrot)

Me: make sure to eat some of your veggies
Ethan: oh! The french peas and laura can go swimming with the fishy's and shrimp in my tummy! hmmmm. more carrots please; they want to go in my tummy with the french peas and fishy's and shrimp!
Me: is it a party in your tummy?
Ethan: YES! a party with shrimp and fishy's and french peas and laura's!!

Needless to say, my son loves to eat and apparently there is a party in his tummy!

Never a dull moment at our dinner table. Never. :)

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