Tuesday, January 4, 2011

10 on Tuesday

1. Opps...I forgot to do a 10 on Tuesday post last week....Holiday weekend overload:)

2. Judah had his first of two birthday parties last Sunday - his second party is set for this Saturday...you can expect a party post coming soon after!

3. In my extended family when it's your birthday you have to skip around the room after the 'happy birthday song' to the chant of "not gonna stop till you skip around the room, skip around the room, skip around the room, not gonna stop till you skip around room....." and when we did it for Judah OH MAN he RAN! He knew exactly what to do and ran around that room with a huge smile on his face!

4. I think he knew to run from watching ALL the birthday parties that happen in my family (6 kids, 2 in-laws, 2 parents, and 5 nieces and nephews = lots of birthdays:)

5. Ethan and Judah got BUNK BEDS last week! They LOVE them:)

6. No one has fallen (yet) and Judah hasn't gotten out of his bed yet. (He moved from a crib to the bottom bunk)

7. Ethan calls them his 'fireman station!' too cute.

8. I peek in on them every night (so far) to gaze at them....I love seeing Judah sleep in his big boy bed - so grown up!

9. Because the crib is out of their room they have SO MUCH more room to play!

10. It's so weird to check them in at the YMCA and say ages 2 and 3. Wow that time went by fast!

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