Tuesday, January 11, 2011

10 on Tuesday

1. My house is a wreck. boo. It's not abnormal though...most days this time of night I think the same thing. I blame my two toddlers;)

2. I made beef stew today! Put everything in the crock pot this morning before ECFE and went about my day - lovely meal was ready for dinner! yum.

3. We still have 1/2 of Judah's birthday cake from Saturday leftover; Joe and I have been trying to eat a piece a night to use it up! Probably not the best time to eat it - ah well:)

4. Judah's vocabulary has EXPLODED the past few weeks! He's a talking maniac now!

5. I now have TWO VERY TALKATIVE TODDLERS. oy. Let's just say I really enjoy talking to Joe in the evening when they are sleeping....no toddler interruptions.

6. Judah's poor lip is soooo dry and chapped it started to bleed yesterday! I put some of my scent-free chapstick on it and he seemed to enjoy it:)

7. I'm ready for Summer. I'll even take Spring:)

8. Mine and Joe's FIVE year anniversary is coming up soon! (Feb. 4th) WOW that went fast!

9. Library run tomorrow! We'll see what kind of good finds we'll find:)

10. I need to upload pictures and then I'll have a lot to blog about:) Birthdays, cute boys, and more!

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