Size of baby: His weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. (thanks,!)
Milestones: He's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture..sweet! (Thanks again,!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 11ish pounds
Maternity Clothes: Maternity tops are definitely more comfortable so I'm favoring those:) I need to get some maternity shorts that I like - I'm having such a hard time finding maternity bottom summer-wear that fit! I've been living in my workout (non-maternity) shorts during these HOT days!
Gender: BOY:)
Movement: Yep! This morning I think the little guy was trying to tunnel a way out - he kept kicking me in the same spot for a LONG time! Sorry bud, that's not the exit and you still need to cook a little more:)
Sleep: Some insomnia (not cool) but still able to nap (cool!). Once I'm asleep at night I'm good but some nights it's hard to fall asleep...
What I miss: Not a whole lot...maybe not peeing ALL the time? Oh wait - I do that even when I'm not pregnant:) So you can imagine how often I go now!
Cravings: I've been eating a lot of ice cream cake (I made a homemade ice cream cake for one of Ethan's b-day parties) and love that:) Fresh fruit has tasted delicious too! We're coming out of a major heat-wave (aka 103* yesterday!!) so anything COLD has been wonderful!
Symptoms: My growing basketball. My groans when I try to get up to fast:)
Best Moment This Week: Playing at the beach a lot this past week and not having to worry if I look pregnant or just chubby in the tummy....I KNOW I look pregnant now!
Also - Ethan was sitting next to me this morning with his arm resting on my belly - the baby kicked his arm and he looked at me like "what was that?"! It was awesome:)
What I'm Looking Forward To: SUMMER! I LOVE this warm weather (granted we have a 2-day cool down coming...but then back to summer!) - we're having a blast playing at the beach and playing at parks - summer always seems to fly by for me and when this summer is done 'flying' by it will be baby time!
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