How Far Along: 24 weeks; aka 6 months!
Size of baby: As long as an ear of corn! (thanks,!)
Milestones: His taste buds are continuing to develop; cool! (Thanks again,!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 10ish pounds
Maternity Clothes: shirts: mostly maternity. I just bought some (non-maternity) size L tank tops for working on in and they just barely fit over my bump! pants: maternity:)
Gender: BOY!
Movement: Yep! Baby boy likes to kick Judah when he sits in my lap - it makes me laugh:)
Sleep: Loving it:)
What I miss: Not much!
Cravings: WATER! (hello summer weather:) Watermelon, purple grapes, caramel frappichino (decaf of course...)
Symptoms: my beautiful basketball under my shirt! Lots of movement, harder to get up and down...
Best Moment This Week: We went up north to my parents boat for the long weekend and it was very relaxing:) The drive there and back went smooth (granted my bladder almost exploded a few times...ah the joys of pregnancy!). Baby boy was VERY active on the drive up and back - weird but fun! Who knows if it was the sun beating in on my belly or sitting still for that long...
What I'm Looking Forward To: Being able to say that I'm SIX months pregnant! It seems to far in - hooray! I guess I'm not looking 'forward' to this as I can say it as of today...I'm looking forward to people asking me and then responding...that works right? :)
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