Size of baby: Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. (thanks,!)
Milestones: His fat layers — which will help regulate his body temperature once he's born — are filling him out, making him rounder. His skin is also smoother than ever. His central nervous system is maturing and his lungs are continuing to mature as well. (Thanks again,!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I would guess 20...I don't have a scale but I know I'm getting bigger!
Maternity Clothes: Yep:) Maternity for anything other than lounge/workout clothes. I wore a non-maternity top today (shown in the pic above) and it was fine in the morning but by the evening it was riding up and my belly was making an appearance:) *Hence my hands under my belly hiding the skin!*
Gender: BOY:)
Movement: Yep! He gets REALLY crazy right around the time I'm exhausted and want to go to sleep...gee thanks bud:) It's kinda hard to get comfortable and sleep when you have an active baby in you.
Sleep: Piggy-backing off the 'movement' thing - I love to sleep but my babe likes to play when it's bedtime:) It takes a while to fall asleep and I'm up once (sometimes twice) a night to visit the potty. Thankfully I am still able to take naps almost daily - there are a few days a week were my schedule won't allow it.
What I miss: Lately I've been missing sleeping on my back - it's hard to find a comfortable position on my side but I freak out about laying on my's only temporary though! Soon enough I'll be laying on my back with my cute baby next to me!
Cravings: I've been eating a lot of grapes and clementines lately and guzzling water...currently chocolate chip cookies sound good to me!
Symptoms: big ole belly, swollen fingers, my little waddle, starting to get some sharp pain around my tail-bone, lots of braxton hicks. The end is in sight - no time for complaining:)
Best Moment This Week: I've been able to work out 3-times/week though my whole pregnancy (dance-cardio-class) and last Friday our normal instructor was out of town and her sub didn't show yours truly taught the class! (background: I've been in 'training' to teach for a while now so I know all the choreography) I gave myself a pat on the back for teaching an hour class (obviously showing the lower impact option) at 33.5 weeks! p.s. it was a blast:)
What I'm Looking Forward To: Two things...
#1: my birthday is next Tuesday! I don't have anything extraordinary planned yet but I always enjoy my 'special' day and I wanted to make it past my birthday with this babe and all is looking well for that!
#2: my appointment in 2 weeks (36 weeks) and to see how things are 'progressing', I've been having lots of braxton hicks and hoping they're all doing something!
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