Monday, December 20, 2010

Easy Cookies

That's what this recipe is: easy. Really easy:) And that's why I love it! Sometimes I like to spend time measuring and mixing and taking my sweet ole time with baking. And other times I want to eat the cookies now! This recipe is for those occasions when you want instant gratification OR don't have a lot of time to bake.

I made these for a cookie exchange last week - at first I felt a tad guilty that I wasn't slaving in the kitchen for hours but then I realized who I was exchanging with: fellow MOMS. Most moms I have met don't have an over abundance of TIME so an easy cookie recipe it was:)

I call them my 'Cake Mix Cookies' and I just so happened to take pics while making them last week - how convenient :)

Start by combining cinnamon and sugar in a small bowl and set aside.

Pick your favorite cake mix - I used Classic Yellow to make a snickerdoodle and German Chocolate to make a delish chocolate treat! (I made 2 different cookies) Combine cake mix, eggs and oil together....Roll into little balls and shake around in cinnamon/sugar mixture...and put on cookie sheet....Smoosh the balls a glass (my fave part!)...and bake for a mere 8-9 minutes! Then you get these beauties...I LOVE these made with Yellow cake mix - they taste just like snickerdoodles! I packaged 3 chocolate and 4 snickerdoodles in a bag and attached the recipe for the cookie exchange. Yummy.

Here's the actual recipe:


3 Tbsp sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

1 pkg cake mix (I’ve used Pillsbury and Duncan Hines brand before)

2 eggs

¼ cup vegetable oil


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees; line cookie sheet with parchment paper

2. Combine sugar and cinnamon in small bowl; set aside.

3. Combine cake mix, eggs and oil in large bowl. Stir until well blended. Shape dough into 1 inch balls. Roll in cinnamon-sugar mixture. Place balls 2-inches apart on cookie sheet. Flatten balls with bottom of glass.

4. Bake at 375 8-9 minutes or until set. Cool one minute on cookie sheet then move to cooling rack and cool completely.

I LOVE trying out these cookies with different flavor mixes - I haven't found a bad one yet! Happy Cookie Making!

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