I'm a few days late for my 4th post but better late than never....right? right.
As of July 3rd we had no plans for the 4th. The next morning we changed that:) We invited over some family that didn't have plans either (win-win for everyone!) and we had a blast!
Ethan and I made a last minute food run to Cub and picked up some classic 4th food: hotdogs, buns, chips, watermelon, corn, etc...YUM! The joys of shopping on the 4th for the 4th is that everything was on SALE! :)

My brother Jordan and my boys helping to get the corn ready - gotta love sweet corn!

Joe and his brother Tom getting the grill ready - don't laugh at our little grill! I say: little house = little grill. Once we get a bigger house you better believe we'll be getting a bigger grill! I say all the grilled food tastes the same though regardless...

A while after dinner we had popsicles; (I think) this was Judah's first popsicle on a stick and he was so CUTE to watch...

"It's so drippy mom!"

Trying to catch the melting part:) Needless to say about half that popsicle landed in the grass! He's getting better at managing them now though - practice makes perfect!

MMmmm watermelon! We ate SO much watermelon:)

Me and my man:)

My sister Myra stopped by a little later to join the fun too!

We had the kiddie pool out for the kids (and me...) to play and cool off in; nothing says 4th of July like hot weather and water right?

My baby belly:) The babe likes all the sun and food!

We had lots of kids toys out (for the kids..) and of course the big boys had to play with them too! Love the enthusiasm Jordan:)
Tom brought over some little fireworks for the kids to enjoy (which turned out perfect since we didn't end up seeing the 'big' show) - the kids LOVED it!

Lots of 'ooohhh' 'aaaahhh' "mommy look at that one!!!"

He also brought sparklers to play with - the boys had a blast with those too! Ethan called his "fire power" :)

Judah wasn't too sure what to do with his...just stare:)
The kids were up WAY past their bedtime and were having so much fun! I asked Ethan if he enjoyed his 4th of July and he gave me this:

Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday weekend!