Friday, July 29, 2011

Little Dreamer

Ethan has been talking a lot about his dreams lately. He loves to tell me all about them when he wakes up and the other day I had this ingenious idea to write it down! *don't ask why it took this long for me to think that up....prego brain? Still a valid reason:)*

Here's Ethan's dream from the other day word-for-word as he told me (I had to write SO fast to keep up with him! That boy has his mama's fast talkin' skills!)

Ethan's Dream:

I was a superhero - batman of course. There was three bad guys in it, they turned me into a cow! The police came with snowballs connected to their back and one snowball was coming about to crash but I got up! The girls were in something circle like. It was a half circle. There were two girls in the circle thing and there was an inside line. And there was a pig police and there was a girl police. I went flying up in the air to grab something that was a claw and the police told me they had food in their car...the police car was white. There was dirt on the ground. There was a control on the half circle and a computer on the half circle with just buttons. That's the end of my dream.
Now imagine that being told to you at 7am from a very animated/fast talking 4 year old! whew. I'm tired re-living it:) Sure the dream isn't told in a coherent story-format but I think it's pretty-stinkin' cute - what a great imagination (or dream life). It's a fun (albeit tiring) way to start the day to hear about all his dreams!

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