Today has been quite the day. Starting early in the morning and just now winding down.....
1. Early this morning (like 2am-ish) poor Judah started crying in his crib - I went in to check on him and he was sleeping with a bloody nose. I was able to clean him up and he finished the night in our bed (that's the short version of the night)
2. Ethan woke up at the perky time of 5:30 am. EWWW. I was able to convince him to stay in bed till 6 but then he was up and running.
3. Judah woke up at 6:30 from our bed; this is my kid that sleeps in till 9!! He wasn't too happy and his poor nose started bleeding again.
4. Morning was relatively uneventful - my mom came over for lunch and then rest time started and she left....
5. .....30 minutes into rest time I hear Judah crying so I go check on him. He's sleeping but crying; I look at his crib and FREAK out because he is laying face down in a puddle of blood! I wake him up.....
6. ...he looks at me with this scared look of 'what's happening mom?' as his half face is literally covered in blood gushing from his nose (it pooled around his face from laying in it in his crib - he was sleeping while it happened!)
7. I carry him out to the living room and call my mom - she was able to come back and help! We try and clean him up and get his poor nose to stop....unsuccessful....blood everywhere so I call the nurse line.
8. Nurse line said if it's been over 20 minutes of bleeding to go to Urgent Care - it had been over 20 minutes so we pack up and hit the road (poor Judah looked like he was in a war movie with all that blood! I wasn't far behind from holding him)
9. Get to the doc - his nose dries up IN THE PARKING LOT. seriously. We still go in. Wait 1 hr 45 min. sick. Finally get in and the doc explains how to handle it if it happens again; what to do if it continues to happen over a week; what they would do if it wouldn't have stopped on it's own; etc.... we go home.
10. We played all afternoon/evening and during storytime before bed Judah sneezes; and it starts ALL OVER AGAIN. This time we knew more of what to do and look for (my mom stuck around for support since Joe was at class all night - thanks mom!) We get it under control within 20 minutes. whew. Now Judah is sleeping on the couch -- because his sheets were sooooo dirty and I can't find the spare for the life of me. (they're clean now but I figure I'll watch him for a while)
**like I said: quite the Tuesday; I'm glad it's almost over and hoping that tomorrow will be a zero nosebleed day. I am tired of doing laundry and smelling dried blood. Mr. Judah isn't too found of it either.
*****I had a wonderful list of random things for my 10 on Tuesday post but my actual Tuesday won out...I may have to do a random list later just to get them out of my head***