1. I am obsessed with getting my home school stuff ready. Obsessed. In a good way:) It's letting my perfectionista-type A personality get out...she's a fun one:)
2. Judah is obsessed with something else...Joe's deodorant. Yep. My littlest man will walk into the bathroom every morning without fail and open the drawer and take out Joe's Old Spice deodorant - and then proceed to take off the top and smear it all over himself. I don't mind it - my little baby smells like my big baby all day then! I personally think Judah misses daddy in the morning (Joe leaves for work before Judah wakes up) so it's his way of smelling him:)
3. Speaking of Joe...he'll be done with school this December! That went by so fast! Yeah Joe!
4. The other night we were driving home and Ethan saw the moon (which was almost full) and said to us "why is the moon a circle and not a crescent?" - he's way too observant. I love it.
5. When we go grocery shopping Judah is now wanting to be in on the helping action. He LOVES to hold the milk next to him in the seat and will pile food on his lap until he can't hold anymore.. and then cry when I give the next item to Ethan. At least he wants to help...
6. My tattoo is completely healed and looks awesome! One of these days I'll do a post on the verse that inspired it and why I chose it. One of these days... but here's a pic!

8. I'm having a hard time believing it's almost State Fair time (starts Thurs!) - that means summer is almost over. boo.
9. I gave Target brand diapers another chance a few weeks ago and I think they changed their tune since I last tried them (like 2 years ago with Ethan) - I now like them and LOVE the $$ we save:)
10. Judah starts ECFE in a few short weeks - I feel like I just pushed him out...when did he grow up? Is there a pause button for these kids? They seem to grow too fast:)
I like your tattoo. Can't wait to hear the story behind it.
ReplyDeleteI'm so with you on the Target diapers! Hated them at first, gave them a second try a year or two later and they were fine. Weird.
I love homeschool planning, too. Do you think you'll blog your plans when you're done?
And eggs for breakfast on weekdays... that's so us. They're easy and so cheap!
I'm planning on sharing my homeschool plans soon! Almost done...it's taking longer than I thought but that's what you get with your first year right? ;) Good thing I enjoy planning!