Remember when I posted about
making a habit? Well, I've been trying to make a few good habits lately - I'll enlighten you!
Reading: I've been trying to read more in general; both in my Bible and other books. Fiction: I frequent the Library with my kids and always get them books so I decided to start picking up some easy non-fiction for myself. It worked! I've now read 2 whole books!
Bible: I have always found it hard to find time to read my Bible ever since having kids...what did I do to fix that? I MADE time. I MADE it a priority. I told myself I need to do it every morning just like I need to brush my teeth or eat breakfast in the morning. Joe gave me an awesome tool that has helped me know what to read:
ESV reading plan! I have successfully followed my reading plan every morning for almost 3 weeks!! Great Habit made! In the morning I look forward to my reading time; it's not always quiet (because both my kids are awake) but they know that I am reading and leave me alone.
Lunches: I've been making Joe lunches everyday for almost a month now! I just had to make it into part of my evening routine when I clean the kitchen. It takes like an extra 10 minutes and saves us tons of money! Sometimes I'm jealous of what I'm sending to work with Joe....he's eating good:)
Coupons: I've been using my wonderful resource for about a month and it's now a habit! I plan on spending about an hour or so searching and printing coupons and creating menu plans from that - it it totally worth it! Yesterday I saved over
35% on my bill! ($36 savings!!) Can't beat that. It's actually kinda addicting....finding good deals and coupons:)
There are more 'habits' I'm working on or planning to work on soon.....
*folding the laundry within a day of it being dried (to eliminate ironing for Joe)
*vacuuming more (I know I'm gross....I do it either when I'm having company or when it gets too gross) **disclaimer: I love my hand-vac and use that daily for little messes!**
*Scrubbing the tub more. enough said.
I'm happy with the habits I've made:) If I happen to make more - awesome. We shall see. Just gotta do it for 21 days:) Happy Habit-making everyone!