2. There's lots of beautiful snow to go with the chilly cold! At least the scenery looks pretty:)
3. Joe taught Ethan how to paint 'stories' and Ethan went crazy with it! In a good way of course...he drew some very elaborate pictures with equally elaborate stories to go with them.
4. The recurring story line was that there was a 'pirate ship in the deep blue sea with a sea gull that flew to the perch...'
6. He wanted to display ALL of his artwork so our breezeway door is now covered with beautiful paintings!
7. Mr. Judah is talking up a storm now! Most people could interpret 60% of it but Joe and myself can get about 99%! Hooray for being fluent in 'judah-nese!' (Judah's own little language; we're trying to convince him to convert to English)
8. THREE weeks left for Joe's schooling! Then he's done! Graduated! Hip Hip Hooray!
9. I've been filling in my December calendar (I use one of those ginormous paper ones on the fridge; call me old fashioned but I like it!) and my month is filling up sooooo fast! It's going to be 2011 before I know it!
10. Speaking on months and years - I cannot believe that tomorrow is December 1st. Seriously? Oh man. Maybe that means summer will come faster because winter sure did!