Tuesday, November 23, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. Thanksgiving is this week! Wow that came fast!

2. We get two thanksgiving meals this year - lucky us! Good thing Joe and I LOVE thanksgiving food!

3. I'm making a new sweet potato casserole with gingersnap crumble on top...hmmmm. Along with my delish Cranberry-Orange Relish!

4. We have all of our Christmas shopping done!!

5. I finished ALL of our Christmas wrapping last weekend! Now to sit back and enjoy the holidays:)

6. My boys are in a mood....I really hope they'll snap out of it soon! Ethan mainly and then Judah just follows suit. We've been talking a lot about our 'happy voices' and 'kind words' around here.

7. I heard a rumor we are to get more snow tomorrow - I say rumor because I can't remember the last time I watched the weather so I really don't know what's happening...

8. I DO know last weekend was ICY! I'm glad I didn't have to drive in it much!

9. I can't believe 2010 is almost done! Here we come 2011 whether we like it or not!

10. Ethan painted with watercolors tonight and I think he was a hidden talent....it's beautiful!

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